May 04, 2023 | Drew Woods | 578 views
Game 3 Friday May 5th at 6:45
The following players will be in Fridays line up -
Josh cook
Nolan Towers
Jay Alexander
Grayden Mcroberts
Drew paghal
Lukas Picard
Sean Wright
Angad Gerwal
Quinn Learn
Braeden Palmer
Ben Clough
Cam Ross
Josh Hall
Kael Kerr
Jax Nancekivell
Miles North
Alex Bombini
Lennon Reimer
Liam Kittmer
Kayden Eyre
Please arrive 45 minutes before , be ready 10 minutes early , and bring your own water bottle with a vets jersey if you have one. Our second round of cuts will be done a few hours after the game. Please monitor the website and email me with any issues at
[email protected] .