SILVERSTICK REGIONAL QUALIFIER CHAMPS!!!!, News, Peewee MD, U15 Travel, 2016-2017 (Woodstock Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 16, 2016 | Chris Martin | 1520 views
The Woodstock Jr Navy Vets Peewee MD team captured the Silver Stick Regional Qualifier Championship this past weekend (December 9th to 11th, 2016) in Georgina.

The boys got off to a rocky start in the round robin portion of the tournament as they had to fight hard in the last few minutes of the 3rd period to tie the Northumberland Nighthawks 1-1.  The boys found their stride and went on to beat the Aurora Tigers 6-3 and Barrie Colts 2-1 to finish first in their division with a record of 2-0-1.

The semi-final game will be one the boys will remember for a long time.  After a hard fought 3 periods, the game was tied 1-1 and headed to overtime.  The first overtime solved nothing as it remained 1-1.  Then the fun began.    After each 2 minutes, a player was removed until it was only 1 on 1 plus goalies.  After great saves from both goalies and sure determination from both teams’ players, the boys pulled it out with a 2-1 victory and a trip to the finals.  Exhaustion was an understatement for the boys.

The team faced the Stoufville Clippers in the finals.  The boys overcame some penalty trouble, which included an unsuccessful penalty shot for the other team, to build a 3-0 lead.  With strong goaltending and overall strong team play, the boys were able to win 4-1.  This was definitely a team win.

The coaches could not be more proud of these boys.  The smiles on their faces is all the reward that is needed for the coaching staff and parents.

The boys have won the right to attend the International Silver Stick Tournament on January 5th to 8th, 2017 in Pelham, ON.    

This is the second tournament victory for this team as earlier this year, the boys captured the Boston Pizza Cup in St. Thomas.

Congratulations boys!!!!

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