Tryout Notes for Session 2 - May 16, News, Minor Peewee MD, U15 Travel, 2016-2017 (Woodstock Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 15, 2016 | Paul Jones | 839 views
Tryout Notes for Session 2 - May 16
Players did a great job in the first try-out.  The first session contained mainly individual skills which can be a little slow and monotonous, so good for the kids to stay attentive during the drills.  Expect a faster pace in the second session.

I will be running the second session and will be running a session that will be a little faster paced, contain a few individual skills that were not reviewed, will include some tactical drills, some work in pairs, and will conclude with a 3-on-3 scrimmage.  This will continue to be an evaluation session, looking at a different set of skills.

Please show up 30-45 minutes ahead of time so you can once again sign in, and get a jersey.  Please have all players go to the dressing room with the larger number (kinda like going to the back of the bus) as I would like all players in one room.  Players should be ready 5-10 prior to ice time so I can review the practice with them before we head on the ice.

Following the practice, I will be reviewing some off-ice drills that I would like players to work on during our 2-weeks off.  There is nothing too complicated, just some things to learn more about everyone and to work on some skills that everyone can do to help improve their game.

If you cannot make the practice, please contact me and let me know.

Coach Paul