May 15, 2016 | Paul Jones | 789 views
Summary Notes from Parent Meeting
A parent meeting was held following the first practice. If you were unable to attend, I would like to provide a summary of the meeting.
Coach of the team is Paul Jones.
We presently have enough players to have an MD team, and expect to make few if any cuts. All players are to receive a minimum of 3 ice times. With only 4 ice times, any cuts that are made are most likely to take place at the end of all skates. With there being a small group of players, the try-outs will become more of a period of evaluation so we know the strengths and weaknesses of each player, and we know what areas the team as a whole excels or needs work.
This is presently a very busy time when it comes to sports. I understand that the try-outs may conflict with other activities. If you are unable to attend a practice, I ask that you please communicate with me ahead of time.
Those doing evaluation for the team are Mike Fox and his son Hunter, Doug Hainer, Dallas Brown, Dave Taplay, Steve Gilbertson, and Eric Hoffer. This is a balance of those who are familiar and those who are impartial to the team.
I have not fully chosen my bench staff at this time, and will be working on this through the try-out process. I intend to primarily stick with those people who I am familiar with at this time. I hope this does not offend those who I know less. I have only coached previously in Woodstock for 2 years and prefer to have as much consistency in this area as possible this year.