Tryout Notes for Session 1 - May 9, News, Minor Peewee MD, U15 Travel, 2016-2017 (Woodstock Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 08, 2016 | Paul Jones | 838 views
Tryout Notes for Session 1 - May 9
I am looking forward to the first tryout and have few things to note regarding the tryouts.  The first tryout is May 9th at 7:00 pm on the Green Pad.

Please show up a little early (45-60 mins prior) as you will need to sign in at the registration table, and then check-in at the team table to get your assigned tryout number and pinny for the tryout.  This year the association is using numbers assigned to each player so we can perform releases via the website that are anonymous.  I will be reviewing the practice plan and will discuss expectations for tryouts with the players prior to going on the ice, so please be sure to be ready to go on the ice 5-10 mins before the ice time starts.

There will be a brief meeting in Goff Hall to discuss the tryout process with parents following the practice.

For those who are uncertain about playing MD, I would urge you to consider trying out so that we are sure to have a team, and we have a team that is competitive as possible.  I am not necessarily looking for players who are currently the best, but those who can be developed to be the best going forward.  Athleticism, teachability, and attitude are all things that I will be looking for.

If you have other sports commitments that require you to leave early, show up late, or possibly miss a practice (I would hope no more than 1), I understand as long as you communicate this to me.  Please let me know via email or in person, so I am aware.

Hope to see a good group of players on Monday.

Coach Paul

Paul Jones
Minor PeeWee MD Head Coach
