Update from WMHA, News, U10 A, U10 Travel (Woodstock Minor Hockey)


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Apr 27, 2024 | Jeremy Ostapuk | 143 views
Update from WMHA
Dear WMHA Parents, 

First of all, we would like to thank all of the passionate members of the organization who attended the AGM on April 15th. We appreciate the input and believe there was some very positive discussion surrounding the issues we have been facing. 

Dear WMHA Parents, 

First of all, we would like to thank all of the passionate members of the organization who attended the AGM on April 15th. We appreciate the input and believe there was some very positive discussion surrounding the issues we have been facing. 

Your voices have been heard, and with the support of Alliance Hockey, we have come up with a plan for both A/AA seeded, and B/BB evaluations. For every age group from U10-U16, we will be combining the “A” and “B” evaluations. U8 and U9 MD, as well as U18A, will remain in September. 

As of April 21st, you will be able to register on Spordle. Once you add, and pay for the $80 evaluation fee online, your player will be on the roster for evaluations. Coaches from both teams will be in attendance, and will submit their rosters by the end of the evaluation window (April 29th – May 5th). All evaluation dates and times can be found on the WMHA website, on the “A” team’s calendar for the 2024-2025 season. 

The ultimate decision on which B teams we are able to offer, will come down to the total number of players in attendance for each age group’s evaluations. The final decision will be announced by August. Players not selected on either A or B rosters following the evaluations, will be granted a release to try-out at another centre B/BB and below. 

For the players going into U14 and above, who haven’t done so already, we strongly encourage you to register and attend the body checking clinic on April 21st. The in-class portion starts at 3:15pm in the Mezzanine, and the on-ice portion is from 4:30pm-6:00pm. Registration can be found on the WMHA website under “online registration,” and selecting “body checking clinic form.” This clinic is highly recommended, as it teaches the importance of body contact, angling, and much more. 

We will continue to navigate through the challenges we face regarding ice time, and strive to provide the best development experience for players at all age groups and levels. 




Woodstock Minor Hockey Association