Lineups for Sunday Ex Games, News, U13 Rep, U13 Travel, 2021-2022 (Woodstock Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 18, 2021 | Dean Vollmershausen | 1046 views
Lineups for Sunday Ex Games
Good Evening

Below you will find the lineups for our exhibition games on Sunday 

Please be at the Rink 30 minutes before game time to sign in and receive your game jersey.  

Remember to bring a water bottle with you to the game.

Players not playing are not expected to be at the games.

Game 1 vs Cambridge @ 9:15am (Southwood Arena)

Alex Bombini
Liam Kittmer
Kypton Lofthouse 
Colton Thompson
Josh Hall
Emerson Monk
Jaxton Nancekivell
Emmett Butterfield
Lucas McCague
Brennen Gennings
Quinn Learn
Griffin Johnson
Nolan Towers
Joseph Wilkinson
Clarke Lessif
Nathan Watmough
Ryan Watmough
Brady Kuiack

Game 2 @ Stratford 1:45pm (Rotary Complex)

William Court
Zackary Murray
Alexander Sterne
Nathan Muller
Hunter Van Den Akker
Ethan Bannister
Ryker Hoekman
Damon Grevers
Daxton Lambrecht
Connor Lauzon
Drew Paghal
Cameron Ross
Carter Verbruggen
Lennen Reimer
Tyler Lafleur
Peyton Voth
Aaden Workman

If you have any questions please contact Brent 

See you all tomorrow at the rink