Sep 29, 2021 | Chris Scott | 731 views
Saturday Game Lineup
The following players are to be dressed and ready to play Saturday for the 1pm Game vs The London Bandits. No dress code in effect for this game or Sunday.
Nate Oliveira / Ethan Innis / Nash Oliveria / Mason Tyndall / Nick Rosso / X Molinaro
Hoss Van Damme / Owen Kristman / Samatha Sterne / Caiden Vanacker / Bryce Palmer / Cooper Scott / Griffin Versteeg / Carter Loft / Marco Bombini
GOALIES Gabe Gardiner / Jaxson Ross / Everett Jukema
For those 5 NOT dressed and have been to both tryouts so far, Congratulations! My suggestion is you come to the game and Support your teammates.
After the GAME Saturday Final Roster will be published (Not including the Goalies).