Jan 03, 2013 | Gordon Whitehead | 738 views
Alf Langdon Memorial Christmas HL Tournament Recap
Our first tournament as a team was more then a success. With our hard work, passing and flawless defense, Scotiabank took home the Silver Medal. We went undefeated in the round robin with 3 wins and a tie, where we were the only Woodstock team to tie the powerhouse from London. With the goaltending from Ben and Seth, we managed 3 shut outs (most in the tournament among any team in any division); scoring includes Owen with 8 goals and Parker with 3; assists come from Gordie with 4, Kiefer with 3 and Matthew with 1. We should be proud of our team and hold these medals high. WE'RE BLUE - WE'RE WHITE - WE'RE DYNAMITE.