2014 Kevin Fegan Memorial House League Tournament Tyke Champions
The Woodstock Bruins Tyke West Black team attended the Kevin Fegan Memorial House League Tournament in St Catherines on March 10 & 11, 2014. We won - 4 wins, 0 losses and the title of Tyke Champions! While this may be a surprise to many, the die hard fans have been watching this transpire. Why? This team epitomizes team work. Sure, the reason we won was we got the most goals and denied the opposition entrance into our area. Our success and strength are a result of something more. We, unlike any other team there, had a remarkable number of stand out moments not just one or two stand out players. Every player touched the puck every single game, not true for all the teams. The coaches game plans have been coming together, consistently and frequently and highlight each players‘ strengths. Most importantly, on and off ice fun has brought this group of kids together to form an arm around arm rockin’ team. Our coaches set that tone and earned the respect of every player. And every parent feels like a parent of not just one kid but of 11. Players, coaches, parents, grandparents, siblings and friends all celebrate
every kids’ achievements as if it was their own. We celebrated, cheered, did the victory shenanigans in the change room. It was awesome, really awesome. I am talking about more than winning the tournament. Winning was a bonus. What we were really celebrating was the bonding of a really great team! -Kelly Jorgensen
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